Monday, November 12, 2012

A Belief in Naming

I've been thinking a lot about naming the things I want.  Naming the Big Dream.  Naming the type of relationship I want to have with my health and body.  Naming the kind of person I want to be so as to better understand the direction I need and want to take my life in.

And then doing.

There's something to be said about putting your dreams out there into the Universe, right?  Something about manifesting intentions and positive energy?  (I can use these words because I live in California, obviously).

I don't have any concrete proof that all this works, but I'm going to put my faith in it because, in the end, what do I really know about how the Universe works?

So here's a dream of mine that I haven't been able to get out of my head lately:

I want to spend time in retreat.  Not retreating from something or someone, but rather, retreating into something.  My creativity, actually.  I want to spend a week, two weeks, even a month at some hideaway.  In my head, this is usually a cottage in Ireland like the one I stayed in on my last trip there, or somewhere in Mendocino County because it's one of my favorite places in California, or somewhere in the islands or mountains of Washington State.  A small town, a village, a country road.  Somewhere quiet and simple.  Somewhere cozy, where all I'll ever want to do is be there.  I want to sit at a table or in a really comfy chair and just write.  I want to be free of all the distractions and excuses I usually put in front of myself (though I have a sneaking suspicion they'll probably follow me anywhere, but I want to be able to rely on something other than my own willpower--like maybe the fact that there's just nothing else to do--to get my ass in gear).

I just want a place to be for a minute, and I'd like some fresh air.  Some different air.

So, Universe?  If this little dream could just, you know, manifest, that would be awesome.  But in the meantime, I'll see what I can do about this on my end too.

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