Type of Workout: Treadmill - run/walk
Duration: 30 min.
Calories Burned: 240.8 cal.
Description: 5 min warm up walk, next 21 min alternate between 1 min walking and 2 min running, 4 min cool-down walk. Stretch for 15 min.
So running is not the easiest thing when your throat is scratchy and your chest is congested with crap. But I did it anyway, because I don't want to slow down my pace with the 5k being not so far away. And it didn't end up being that bad. It was tiring, yes, definitely. But after I was done stretching I just felt so damn good.
Plus, I had a lot of things on my mind and I'm finding that running is a good way to sort of wade through it all, then end up energized and ready to take on the world. Or, on the flip side, too exhausted to care anymore.
I also realized this morning that I haven't been keeping up with my attempts at yoga and/or pilates or even hiking. I feel like there's just been so much going on, and so much to do, that I've let that fall to the wayside. But I'm trying to recommit right now, so hopefully I'll see more of those activities in the next couple of weeks!